Transforming a DTM race car… Part 4

Transforming a DTM race car… Part 4

After the racecar body has been returned from the anti-corrosion bath, finally the repainting of the fresh body can start. An immense job has been done so far but, to get the final best result, the best jobs have to take place finally. Also the painting of a racecar body is a different paint job from an ordinary car body. The most important reason for that is because of the roll cage, (hopefully not) necessary to protect the driver from being injured in a collision. That also is an important part the craftsmen of TST Technik in Hann. Münden take care of!

To be continued! 

Transforming a DTM race car… Part 3

Transforming a DTM race car… Part 3

Things have to get worse before it gets better;-) After stripping the whole racecar, the complete body has been into a very special and nasty bath. During this process everything, except metal has been removed. After that the real bodywork can start. First, the body has been checked whether or she is straight or bent. When the body is straight, the welding and improving can get started. After this immense amount of hours of craftsmanship by the professionals of TST Technik, the body has to go into another bath. This bath is needed to secure the body from corrosion. Finally, after this bath, she can finally be painted. The body is on its way to have the shapes of a racecar again.

To be continued!

Transforming a DTM race car… Part 2

Transforming a DTM race car… Part 2

With previous race cars, comparing to the engine, it is important to do things that last for the future. In our case, this means we replaced the vulnerable 2.5 liter DTM engine by a new built 2.4 liter engine with the same specifications and karakter of the DTM engine from the early days. The advantage is that this new engine is replaceable when broken and still has the same output, karakter and look and feel as the previous one.

The complete rebuilt and engine overhaul is taking place at TST Technik in Hann.Münden, Germany. Their expertise and knowledge of those cars is immense and fully identical!

To be continued!

Transforming a DTM race car… Part 1

Transforming a DTM race car… Part 1

For this coming season we started, already quite a while, with rebuilding and improve our Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.5-16 evolution2. This will be done by a company in Germany, specialized in building and restoring Mercedes-Benz race cars.
First part, some pictures of how she was and became a very expensive piece of scrap;-)
Things have to get worse before they can get better…
To be continued!